Analytics Glossary


Age of the wallet (day) The period that the wallet has participated in the crypto market since its first transaction.

Average Credit Score The average amount of credit score within a given period of a wallet address.

Average Increasing The average rate of growth that the credit score increase within a given period of a wallet address.


Circulating asset (Credit Score parameters) The circulating-asset-to-total-asset ratio represents how active users are in the crypto market. The more money they invest in the crypto market, the more creditworthiness they gain from others.

Credit Score (α-version) A value that represents the creditworthiness of borrowers; a user with a high credit score would have a chance to be approved for a loan with favorable interest rates.

Credit Score Distribution The distribution of credit scores for all users based on 5 different levels, including Warrior, Conqueror, Hero, Master, and Legendary.

Credit Score Histogram A graphical representation that organizes the group of people with different credit score levels.

Credit Score History A record of the credit score in the past.

Credit Score range Is the range of credit scores which is from 0 to 100.

Credit score strategy The suggestions of the different ways to improve the credit score.

Cross-chain Identification The function used to verify that multiple addresses on different chains belong to the same users.

Cross-chain Knowledge graph One of the components of Trava Finance which is responsible for storing and representing aggregated data from multiple blockchain networks.

Current Reputation The real-time reputation rank.


Holders distribution score The standardized value that evaluates the equal distribution of the token among holders.


Loan ratios (Credit Score parameters) Loan ratios (debt ratios) represent the debt position of an account.


Marketcap score in tokens health analytics The standardized value of the total dollar market value of the token.


Number of holders score in tokens health analytics The standardized value of the total number of token holders.

Number of the monitoring days The number of days that you want to monitor the credit scores.

Number of Transactions chart The chart shows the number of transactions categorized into 4 groups (i.e., deposit, borrow, withdraw, repay) in a lending pool.

Number of transaction scores in token health analytics The standardized value of the total number of transactions related to the token in the last 24 hours, 7 days, and 100 days.


Price score in tokens health analytics The quotient of the current token price and the highest token price in the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 100 days, and all-time.

Price stability score in tokens health analytics The standardized value that evaluates the stability of the token price in the last 24 hours, 7 days, and 100 days.


Reputation Rank History A record of the reputation rank in the past.


The ratio of Borrow to Deposit (%) The ratio of the borrowed to deposited assets. The borrowing is limited by the loan-to-value ratio, which is 80% on average. For example, if users deposit 100 USDT, they can borrow 80 DAI at a maximum.

The ratio of Deposit to Total asset (%) The ratio of the Deposit to the Total asset. By depositing and borrowing multiple times, users can deposit up to 300% of the initial capital.

Token Health Histogram A graphical representation that organizes the group of users with different levels of token health.

Total asset (Credit Score parameters) The sum of balance and total investment minus total liabilities. It represents the financial strength of accounts; it is the most intuitive and easiest-to-evaluate parameter.

Trading volume score in tokens health analytics The standardized value of the total value of all transactions related to the token in the last 24 hours, 7 days, and 100 days.

Transaction history (Credit Score parameters) One of the parameters affects the credit score, which is calculated based on the age of the account, transaction amount, frequency of transaction, number of liquidations, and the total value of liquidations.

Transaction types Types of transactions including depositing, borrowing, withdrawing, and repaying.

Transaction volume chart The chart compares the daily transaction volume of deposit, borrow, withdraw and repay transactions in the lending pool.

TRAVA reputation A parameter to evaluate the loyalty of holders to the TRAVA token, showing the trust and reputation of the holder in the community.

Trustworthiness of possessing assets (Credit Score parameters) The metric that shows the trustworthiness of the possessing assets. An account can improve her credit score by possessing high-value and trustworthy digital assets.


Wallet reputation A parameter to evaluate the loyalty of holders to the tokens in the set, showing the trust and reputation of the holder in the community.

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