Trava Fortune Mining User Guide
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To provide users with more services in the Trava Ecosystem, we have planned to implement the Trava minigame series. After the Trava Lottery and Battlehand, the next game — Fortune Mining, will be soon published in September 2022.
This document will walk you through how to join this program.
First, access the Fortune Mining program here:
In the main site, you will see the main site as follows. There will be two main sections, including Event, Account, and Calculator, in the upper right corner.
On the Top of the first tab - Event, you can find some basic information:
The rewards the winner got from the previous event.
(In the deposit period) The time counting implies the period remaining in the depositing period. (Users need to deposit their tokens in this period to join the program)
(In rewards generating period), the time counting implies the period remaining in the rewards generating period, after this period we will reveal the winner. (In this period, players can not withdraw their tokens)
To deposit assets in the Trava Fortune mining pool, follow these steps:
Step 1. Connect your wallet (on BSC Mainnet)
Step 2. Access Fortune Mining.
Step 3. Connect your wallet.
Step 4. Access the tab “Event”.
Step 5. Click the “Deposit” Button.
Step 6.
After that, a pop-up window will appear:
Click the little down arrow icon and choose the token type you want to deposit
Enter the amount you want to deposit
Click the “Deposit” button.
Step 7.
Check the gas fee
Confirm the transaction.
After depositing tokens into the Fortune Mining pool, users will receive a certain amount that corresponds with the deposit amount (ratio 1:1). (The more they deposit, the more ticket they own):
To check the details, Connect your wallet (on BSC Mainnet), then click the tab Account
The ticket number will appear as the picture following.
Step 1. Connect your wallet (on BSC mainnet).
Step 2. Go to the tab “Account”.
Step 3. Go to the table named “My rewards”.
Step 4. Check for the related information: Total rewards in Deposited token and rTRAVA, launching time.
Step 1. Connect your wallet (on BSC Mainnet)
Step 2. Access tab “Event”.
Step 3. Go to the table named “Depositors”.
Step 4. Check for the related information:
Depositors’ wallet address
Their deposit amount
Their chance (show in percentage) to win.
Step 1. Access tab “Event”.
Go to the table named “Past Events”
A List of events with their launching time, total rewards, etc. will appear.
Step 3. To check the details, click the name of the events:
A Pop-up window will appear, which shows the basic information: start-end time, total deposit, total rewards, winner, etc.
Besides some critical information above, we also provide an effective tool to estimate the total rewards that you have a chance to win, called Calculator. To use this tool, follow these simple steps:
Step 1. Access the tab Calculator
You can see the APY and APR at the time you access this tool.
Step 2.
Choose the asset you want by:
Click the small down arrow icon in the “Asset” Section
After that, a small window will pop up. Choose the token type that you want.
Step 3.
Change the variables such as Time lock, the amount you deposit, and Total deposit by clicking the blank and entering the related numbers.
Step 4. Check for some critical information that will help you to make decisions, including the total rewards that a winner can earn and the ROI in case you are the lucky one.
After a certain period of stage 2 - generating rewards, users can get back their deposit or keep them in the pool to try their luck the next time.
If you want to withdraw the tokens, follow these simple steps:
Step 1. Connect your wallet (on BSC Mainnet)
Step 2. Go to the tab “Account”.
Step 3. Click the “Withdraw” button.
Step 4. Choose the token types you want to withdraw by:
Click the little down arrow icon
Click the name of the tokens.
Step 5. Enter the number of tokens you want to withdraw.
Note: Click the “Max” button to enter all the amount of related tokens deposited.
For more details about Fortune Mining, click here:
In case you are the lucky one and want to claim your rewards, follow these steps:
Step 1. Connect your wallet (on BSC Mainnet)
Step 2. Access tab Account
Step 3. In the “My rewards” section, click the “Claim” button:
Step 4.
A small window will pop up
Click “Claim” button
Step 5. Confirm your transaction