🛡️Trava NFT Farming
Normal Farming
We officially stop distributing TRAVA rewards and the normal Farming mechanism only distributes EXP at 3 P.M UTC on May 15th 2022.
Rarity | Copper | Silver | Gold | Diamond | Crystal |
Distribution | 60% | 25% | 10% | 4.5% | 0.5% |
Price (TRAVA) | 9,000 | 22,000 | 64,000 | 150,000 | 820,000 |
Please note that APR can be changed according to NFT Marketplace conditions. We will recalculate and update the price based on the price on the market, the initial price and the data analysis extracted from our NFT Marketplace.
Note that with each wallet, the maximum number of Trava Knight NFT that can be deposited in one vault is one Knight NFT. For example, if you have two Trava Knight NFTs of Gold, for example, you can only stake one of them into Gold Vault to farm and earn $TRAVA rewards.
With Copper, Silver and Gold Vault, if NFT owners withdraw their NFTs within 7 days, the farming rewards will decrease by 10%.
Knights with a higher rarity can be deposited in vaults of a lower rarity. Continuing the example above, one of your Gold Knights can be deposited in Gold vault and the other can be deposited in either Copper vault or Silver vault and earn APR corresponding to those vaults.
Furthermore, for Knight NFTs put in Farming vaults, we shall use the "Polish Mechanism”. After depositing Knight NFTs in those vaults, users must check their Knights on a regular basis through the Farming site, which is considered a polishing action. If users never check their Knights, the Glossiness of their Knights will deteriorate, and the Farming rewards will drop. So, to maintain the rewards from Knight NFTs, NFT owners must perform "polishing" action, which means check their NFTs in the vaults regularly.
Formula to calculate Farming rewards
How to calculate the rewards for Copper, Silver and Gold Vaults?
Each vault has a value called emissionPerSecond. This is a fixed amount that all depositors will be rewarded when they deposit NFT per second. Therefore, the fewer number of people staking NFT, the more rewards each staker will get.
How to calculate the rewards for Diamond and Crystal Vaults?
The Glossiness of each NFT starts off at 100%, but it gradually decreases over time, affecting the incentives received when users deposit their NFTs in the vault. Users must complete "Polishing" acts in order to receive 100% of the rewards.
The amount of reward from NFT polishing shall be calculated using 2 parameters: decayRate and decayInterval. Concretely, after a decayInterval (a certain amount of time), if the NFT is not polished, the rewards for the next decayInterval will be reduced (decayRate, calculated in % will decrease)
For example: decayInterval = 2 days and decayRate = 10% indicates that: every two days without polishing, the rewards of the next day will be reduced (due to the NFT glossiness). Hence, after 20 days, the amount of rewards for NFT will be 0.
If you stake NFT for a period t = 9, the amount of incentives that you probably get is 450 Trava (On average per day you will get 450/9 = 50). However, you have forgotten to polish for 9 days. Then, the amount of rewards you receive is only 370 Trava. The amount of incentive you get is described as below:
Day | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Minus Rewards | 0% | 0% | 10% | 10% | 20% | 20% | 30% | 30% | 40% |
Day | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Remaining Rewards(TRAVA) | 50 | 50 | 45 | 45 | 40 | 40 | 35 | 35 | 30 |
The detailed calculation us as follows: (X is the rewards NFT depositor will receive after t days)
The average rewards each day NFT staker will receive:
Number of decayInterval that depositor have to go through:
The result of this calculation will be rounded down.
If n < , the rewards depositor will receive is: m t = X
If n
The percentage of minus rewards you get at the end of decayInterval period:
The total amount of incentives you will receive:
If < n:
The total amount of rewards you get:
In the above example, we have X = 450, t = 9
We can calculate: m = 50, n = 4, p= 0.3
Put into the formula, we get:
Heuristic Farming (Farming based on EXP)
When the new Farming mechanism commences, our 5 current Farming vaults will stop distributing TRAVA as reward, which means our 5 existing vaults will only give back EXP (one EXP for each second in 5 current farming vaults). This change supports NFT owners to gain EXP to enter Heuristic Farming with better rewards.
In the new Farming mechanism, we provide 5 more vaults for Heuristic Farming, and you can deposit as many knights as you want into each Vault, provided that those knights have the same rarity as that Vault. Rewards from Heuristic Farming are rTRAVA tokens and EXP (one EXP for every 3 seconds in the vault). The higher EXP, the higher the APR, the higher the rTRAVA reward.
Normal Farming | Heuristic Farming | |
Number of vaults | 5 vaults corresponding to 5 rarities | 5 vaults corresponding to 5 rarities |
Number of Knights allowed in one vault | 1 Knight | 1 Knight |
Reward in tokens | None | rTRAVA |
EXP reward | One EXP is released for each second Knights in the vaults | One EXP is released for 3 second Knights in the vaults |
With the new and improved mechanism, the EXP points are a crucial element in the development of the Trava Knight NFT journey. Like the current Farming mechanism, Heuristic Farming also has a Polishing mechanism. The polishing mechanism in Heuristic Farming helps NFT owners maintain 100% rewards and supports increasing EXP and APY.
Note that, Knights with 0 EXP still gain rewards from Heuristic Farming. Moreover, with rTRAVA from Heuristic Farming, users can auto-stake in our rTRAVA with no locking period in our Staking Program. rTRAVA then can be locked in Trava Governance vault to gain locking power as veTRAVA and earn more rewards.
Calculation Formula of Emission Per Second
From now on, the eps will automatically change depending on the number of Knight NFTs and their EXP. For particular, the equation is demonstrated as below:
With the following parameters:
eps: Emission Per Second
x: The number of Knights in the vault
X: The starting eps
Y: The maximum eps that can be reached
Z: The eps will converge, when the number of Knight NFTs increases in the vault
m: The number of Knight NFTs in the vault that own eps reaches the maximum rate (Y)
u: is calculated as
a: is calculated as
b: is calculated as
c: is calculated as
For example, We have the following parameters:
The starting eps is 100 Trava/s
X = 100
The maximum eps is 400 Trava/s at the rate of 1000 NFTs
Y = 400
m = 1000
The eps will converge at 250 Trava/s when the number of NFTs passes
Z = 250
The chart is presented as below:
From the chart, we can see that when there are little NFTs in the vault then the eps is low, and continuously increases when the number of NFTs in the vault reaches a certain rate. After that, the eps start to decrease and converge to a certain rate.
Calculation Value of NFT
The value of NFT depends on its EXP:
For specific, the formula is calculated as below:
exp: EXP of the NFT
value: The Value of the NFT
For example:
With NFT that has 0 EXP: Its Value will be 100
With NFT has 864000 EXP: Its Value will be 110
With NFT has 8640000 EXP: Its Value will be 200
Because, in every 3 seconds, the NFT can earn 1 EXP, the NFT needs 259200 seconds or almost 3 days to increase 1 Value.
NOTE: In order not to waste BNB, users should Polish the NFT in at least 3 days.
APR Calculation Formula for NFT
APR of a Knight NFT depends on 4 elements:
eps: Emission Per Second
value: The EXP Value of Knight
totalValue: The Total Value of the total number of Knights in Vault
price: The price of Knight based on the weekly recalculation
For specific, the formula is:
For example, there are 4 Knight NFTs with the similar rarity in 1 vault with the EXP in turn of 0, 86400, 864000, 8640000.
eps: 0.05 TRAVA per second
The rarity of the Knight is Diamond, which is priced at 150000 TRAVA
Therefore, APR will be calculated as below:
Knight 1 | Knight 2 | Knight 3 | Knight 4 | totalValue | |
EXP | 0 | 86400 | 864000 | 8640000 | |
Value | 100 | 101 | 110 | 200 | = 511 |
APR | 205.71% | 205.77% | 226.29% | 411.43% |
Last updated