🛡️Treasure Map

How to join

To take part in the Treasure Map mission, residents of Trava Kingdom must own a Knight in any rarity. The unique feature of this mission is that even Limited Knight can join. Not only can Limited Knights join, but also they can have priority in the opportunity of getting more Tickets as rewards after finishing the Treasure Map mission.

Moreover, as an entrance fee, Knights must have 1 Ticket of any kind to join the Treasure Map mission. But don't worry! The rewards that you receive are worth every cost. *Note: Users also have to pay a very small amount as a transaction fee.

In conclusion, there are two important things that users MUST HAVE to enter Treasure Map Mission: + 1 Knight (Copper, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Crystal, and Limited Knight) + 1 Ticket (Counter Ticket, Presale Ticket, and Incentive Ticket)

NOTE: You can deploy as many Knights as you want in the mission at the same time. ONE Knight requires ONE Ticket to enter. A mission will last for 6 HOURS.


After finishing the Treasure Map mission, Knight will receive Tickets and EXP as a reward. This is a way for users to gain many Tickets simultaneously at a small price. The maximum number of rewarded Tickets can be up to 6 Tickets/deployed Knight.

As mentioned above, any kind of Knight can join the mission, but the rewards are not the same for every Knight. Higher rarity will have a higher percentage of getting more rewards.

The Ticket Drop Rate

As the board demonstrates, the failure percentage (getting 0 Ticket) of Limited Knight is drastically low compared to other Knight rarities. So, it is confirmative that owning a Limited Knight is a huge advantage in the Treasure Map Mission.

The Calculation Of Ticket (t) Drop Rate is demonstrated below

With the following parameters:

r: The rarity of the deployed Knight in Treasure Map

e: The EXP of the deployed Knight in Treasure Map

Treasure Map Guidelines

Step 1: Go to the Treasure Map website: https://nft-app.trava.finance/treasure-map

Step 2: Connect to your wallet.

Step 3: Click on the Deploy button.

Step 4: Select your Knight to deploy and click Deploy to confirm the selection

NOTE: You can deploy as many Knights as you want. ONE KNIGHT needs ONE TICKET to Treasure Map.

Step 5: Choose your Ticket as an entrance requirement, then click the Confirm button

Step 6: Click Confirm to accept the gas fee amount and allow the transaction to operate

Step 7: Wait for a few seconds. A successful notification message will appear on the top of the app.

Step 8: You can check your Status by clicking on the View Status button next to the Deploy one. Each Knight will go through a 6-hour mission. After it finishes, it will show as Mission Finished.

Step 9: After the mission is finished, you can click on the Mission Finished Knight and select View Report to access the finished mission status.

Then click Confirm the transaction.

Step 10: Wait for a few seconds. The mission result will show up on your app.

Last updated